Llyr the Shark Boy (SFW)
Llyr is just that kind of confident guy despite his feminine looks. He just wants to h ave fun and make friends!! His hobbies include fishing for girls, fishing for guys, fishing for fish.... fishing...
Llyr's toggles:
Beret, Beanie, Ponytail, Sunglasses, Handcuffs, Collar, Fins, Tail, Hoodie, Shirt, Pants (to shorts), Shoes, and handwarmers!
Llyr has individual hue shift for his fins, hair, eyes, and clothes as well as a toggle for his tattoos if you're not a fan.
Install Instructions!
Import the latest SDK3 into your Unity 2019
Import Poiyomi Toon! (I used 8.1.15)
Import the avatar's unitypackage!
Absolutely, under any circumstance, you may NEVER share this unitypackage with ANYONE.
If you wish to have edits done to the avatar you must come to me (Ciel#6660) I refuse to have any other creator/friend/person on some random website/person on discord have access to this unitypackage that has not purchased it.
You may however edit the avatar yourself, I won't stop you and I don't care how much you change, so long as you credit me for the model.
You may use this avatar for vtubing, streaming, youtube, TikTok, etc etc, if you wanna make porn I don't really care just credit me.
Nothing from this model may be used on your personal avatar unless purchased from the original creators.
Not including your Discord (With it's numbers) and your VRChat Username at checkout is a violation of my rules and will revoke your licence to use/edit the avatar.
Head: velvet#0888
Body: Sugs#9795
Hoodie: minki#1515
Shirt: ничто#6666
Boxers: Kittyz#6666
Pants: B o o#8584 (Nitro)
Shoes: B o o#8584
Beanie: Hayweee#1999
Beret: Hayweee#1999
Hair: Kittyz#6666
Sunglasses: Ceenstars#1111
Handcuffs: B o o#8584 (Nitro)
Fins: ElizaByteVR
Handwarmers: heavensdead#0001
Tattoos: Uni#1369
Hair Texture: Sugs#9795
Locomotion: franada#0001
Hair Tex: Sugs#9795
HDRI: https://polyhaven.com/a/kiara_interior
Toggles & Contacts: Rafa#0069
Marker: VRLabs
Unitypackage containing a scene and FBX